Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Welcome Message from Nonprofit Montgomery! Co-Chairs Becky Wagner and Jayne Park

Welcome to Nonprofit Montgomery!’s blog - a web space for you to accomplish your mission, to strengthen your organization and our nonprofit sector.

Nonprofit organizations in our county contribute in countless ways to the quality of life for all of our citizens - from the arts and humanities to feeding hungry people, mentoring, job training and support for seniors. These organizations work on a shoestring and bring best practice strategies to the work of their heart and hands. We create our impact through flexibility and the leveraging of resources to benefit many people from all walks of life. In turn, we invest our resources in the community because there is some work best done simply because we are neighbors and it is the right thing to do.

On this blog, you will find people who know what they are doing -and you’ll find people you can learn from and people you can mentor. I’m talking about connecting with each other. Here it is safe to talk about the unglamorous nuts and bolts of accomplishing mission - “not out there” but in the elevator.

Together we can change the discussion; we can re-frame the dialogue and public perception that nonprofits are “given” funds. What we do is provide services in a flexible, creative and cost effective way, in a way that gets services to the front line of our diverse community.

We hope you will get involved and be part of the new and strong voice on Nonprofit Montgomery! Talk with you - here!

Becky Wagner and Jayne Park
(Nonprofit Montgomery! Co-Chairs)


Frankie Blackburn said...

Thanks to all who made this happen. It is such a good illustration of how we can shape the future of our County together. Let's all work to keep this communication alive and well and useful!
Frankie Blackburn

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the blog launch! It's a great resource for Montgomery County nonprofits.

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